Ford Trucks has delivered its 1000th truck in Romania…
Ford Trucks has delivered its 1000th truck in Romania…

Ford Trucks has sold 1000 vehicles in Romania in two years!

Romania is one the most important markets in Eastern Europe for Ford Trucks, Ford Automotive's heavy commercial vehicle brand. To celebrate the delivery of the 1000th vehicle, a ceremony was arranged at the offices of Cefin Trucks, the local distributor, in Bucharest. 

During the ceremony, Ford Trucks International Markets Director Emrah Duman outlined Ford Trucks’ progress during the past two years. “In only two years in Romania, we’ve reached 8% market share in the heavy vehicle sector. We’re the market leader in the construction sector, with a 27% market share, as well as being in second place in the road trucks sector with 24% of the market share.” 

Ford Trucks has used its more than 60 years of engineering experience to emerge at the forefront of global competition in the heavy commercial vehicles sector. In Romania, one of the leading export markets in Eastern Europe, its 1000th truck was recently delivered.

On Thursday, 28 November, Ford Trucks International Markets Director Emrah Duman and Eastern Europe Regional Manager Selim Yazıcı attended the ceremony. 

At Ford Trucks, the market leader of Romania's construction sector

Ford Trucks first entered the Romanian market in May 2017, when they appointed distributors. In his remarks, Ford Trucks International Markets Director Emrah Duman noted that: As an EU member with a quickly developing economy, new construction projects, and state investments, Romania is in a position of focus for us. As an EU member with a quickly developing economy, new construction projects, and state investments, Romania is in a position of focus for us. At Ford Trucks, we’re very happy that we’ve been able to deliver 1000 trucks in such a short time. This success in Romania is due to our partnership with our distributor Cefin Trucks, the quality of our products and their suitability for the European market, our excellent engineering talent, the power of our research and development departments, and our technology. 

Our F-MAX truck, winner of the 2019 International Truck of the Year award, plays a very important role. We've now completed our infrastructure in all of Romania's big cities. At 12 locations, we provide sales, after sales service, and spare parts. By the end of this year, we’ll have 14 locations. The result of all this hard work is that, at the end of 2 short years, we’ve reached 8% of Romania’s market share for heavy commercial vehicles.  

Noting that Romania’s construction sector is growing rapidly, Duman said that “We’ve become the market leader in Romania’s construction sector, with 27% of market share. Also, we have the second largest market share in the trucks sector, with 24%. All of this success was achieved in only 2 short years.”

The 2019 ITOY-winning F-MAX will continue to grow in Romania

Commenting that the F-MAX’s ITOY award win would accelerate growth in Romania, Emrah Duman continued: “Following the ITOY award, we revised our plans for growth due to the heavy demand coming from Europe, and rearranged our international organizational structure. By opening country and regional offices in more than 10 countries, we aim to grow much more quickly in Europe.”